Berocca - C'est Peps En Bouche


I was brought in as a creative producer for a French YouTube commercial. The creative was sold, but the production process was just beginning.

I worked with the production company and the creative teams to oversee storyboards, casting, props, location and I eventually ended up directly finding managing the music for the piece.

In the build-up to the shoot we had many meetings with our team in France and landed approvals before the shoot, which went without a hitch. Then onto the post-production I oversaw the edit with the creative teams and the final grade and music implementation.

Fun story: after I left my contract, this video got promoted to a TV commercial. I happened to be in France for a wedding and saw it TV. The agency who hired me didn’t inform anyone, including the musician I hired, so I managed to inform them and re-negotiate significantly better rates due to their silence.

Lovely project, terrible agency (this is one of the few times I’ll ever talk negatively about anyone I’ve worked for).


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